Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The democrats are setting themselves up for a win this coming year in the United States Senate and then in 2008. Rightfully so.

Al Gore. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2006: The former Vice President speaking in Washington, DC at a Liberty Coalition conference aimed at recalling the strengths of America, criticized the Bush administration. The strengths that Dr. King stood up for -- which admittedly, would not happen for a generation after his death, of which we struggle with today -- and the strengths mentioned by such former presidents as Lincoln; the president who started the move for equality amongst all people: black, white, red, yellow, whatever. Humanity as a whole. America as a whole.

The White House's Response: 'Al Gore's hypocrasy knows no bounds.' Spokesman Scott McClellan, today, stated that the president is within his legal rights, pointing to former president Clinton's role in one particular incident during his tenure as president. Still, if one, as suggested by Air America personality, Randy Rhodes, were to do their homework, Clinton had set up a completely legal warrant search/spying-system for foreign personal, foreign interest, or foreign operations on U.S. soil. The tasks set up by Clinton and his administration were completely legal and completely viable under congressional law as well as executive orders decreed by the Clinton administration.

[Vice President] Gore [in his statements on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day] said the use of the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans without court approval shows that President Bush "has been breaking the law repeatedly and persistently."

"A president who breaks the law is a threat to the very structure of our government," he said.

So where are the legal egg-heads to help the everyday Americans out? Rhodes, today in her broadcast, stated to a democratic caller, that they're subdued by the Republican majority. The Republican White House, the Republican Congress, and the [now] Republican-based Judiciary system, seems to block every attack that a Democratic minority could posses. She's right. Democrats are blocked. At least within the House, Senate, White House, and Judiciary system. But, can Americans, 52% of which [according to a recent Zaggot or Zogby poll] hope to see President Bush impeached within the coming months, do something as a whole? I think so. But it's going to take time and development. Certainly, we cannot, as Americans, go through the court system. There's no 'fair' system of checks and balances anymore. It certainly, I believe, does not represent the system of government of which our fore father's set up to create. So, then, can we turn to our grass-roots hero, the long-forgotten Howard Dean? I think so. He and Al Gore. Those two, and I thought I'd never say this, but Hillary Clinton too. Don't forget her husband, Bill. I think we need to put as much pressure on the White House as we can, and how we do that, is through these Washington-inside-powerheads. Really.

Sen. Clinton too also stated, today, that the White House is perhaps the 'worst' ever, and will be marked in history as such.

I'm worried about this country, its future, and where I'm going to be within it all. I started off this blog last week stating I was a moderate seeing good on both sides of the isle. But, more and more, I don't think I can play a part in American politics any longer. It's discouraging to see what's taking place under the Republican regime and I don't think it's going to get better under the democrats...because, when it comes to election time, people tend to forget all of these issues, and remember one: abortion.

Hopefully blogs like this, Bobbo2's, and the others started by such websites as www.algore-08.com [and others], can start a sort of 'year book' to remember such events as this so that when it comes to election time, we'll remember more than just one social topic, but many social topics.

Let's go Gore. It's your turn now.